
App des Monats: Track My Life für Windows Phone im Video-Review vorgestellt

Vor Kurzem haben wir die App des Monats August gesucht und euch insgesamt 5 Apps zur Wahl gestellt. Um das Ergebnis vorwegzunehmen, sei gesagt, dass Track My Life klarer Sieger ist. Ein ausführliches Review in Textform, gibt es unter diesem Link. Die Ergebnisse im Detail:

  1. Track My Life: 41.27% (78 Stimmen)
  2. Fahrplan: 23.28% (44 Stimmen)
  3. MP3Tube: 22.75% (43 Stimmen)
  4. Flightradar: 24 7.94% (15 Stimmen)
  5. Brutto-Netto-Rechner: 4.76% (9 Stimmen)

Track My Life

« Winning App of the Microsoft App Revolution »

Find out where you spend your life!

How much time do I spend at Work? How long do I stay there in the end? Where do I spend most of my time?

Track my Life answers these and many more questions for you.
100% automatically. By running in the background mode of your phone.

By embracing state of the art features of your phone, it doesn’t even have an effect on the energy consumption of your phone.

Track my Life has won prizes and has been featured by several websites including,,, etc.

See how much you have been traveling the past 24 hours and how long you’ve been at the same place.

+ location services: Obvious
+ data services: Required to show the bing map and for the optional share on Facebook feature. WE DO NOT TRANSFER YOUR DATA TO OUR SERVERS IN ANY WAY
+ media: Required for the optional share on Facebook feature (if you want to take a screenshot of the map)

1.5: Release
1.6: Issue Tracker in WebBrowser Control and bugfixes
1.7: Dedicated privacy policy page, better buttons and bugfixes
1.8: Live Tiles, Rename spots e.g. “London” to “Home”, switch length units in kilometers or miles
1.9: Biggest update so far – You can now move, merge or delete pins. Add locations manually. Hide lines from map. And share your stats on Facebook.
1.10: Bugfixes and capability description added


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? Nerd. ☕ Kaffeejunkie. ⚖️ Hamburger Rechtsanwalt für Vergaberecht, IT-Recht und Datenschutzrecht.
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