Windows 10

Windows 10 Build 14361 wird für Desktop und Mobile ausgerollt

Windows 10 Build 14361

Microsoft hat eine neue Windows Insider-Build für Mitglieder des Vorschauprogramms angekündigt und zwar mit der Build 14361, welche nun für Windows 10 und Windows 10 Mobile ausgerollt wird. Diese enthält zahlreiche Verbesserungen für Performance und Stabilität, sodass diese auch im Alltagsbetrieb etwas besser funktionieren soll. Ansonsten gibt es noch kleine visuelle Änderungen, jedoch keine ganz großen Features.


Beispielsweise hat Microsoft die Einstellungen-App in dieser Build verbessert basierend auf das Feedback der Insider, sodass diese nun etwas feiner aussieht. Anstatt, dass die gewählte Einstellung komplett in der Akzentfarbe hervorgehoben ist, sondern nur die Schrift sowie ein kleiner Indikator die Farbe hat, während der Hintergrund schwarz oder weiß bleibt. Außerdem muss nun nicht mehr nur das Zahnrad bzw. der Zurück-Pfeil angetippt werden, sondern es reicht auch den „Home“-Button zu drücken, um zur Startseite der Einstellungen zurückzukehren. Offenbar hat sich dieser Zurück-Button oben links als nicht zwingend die beste Lösung herausgestellt.

Hyper-V Container

Wie bereits vor einigen Monaten angekündigt, können mit Build 14361 unter Windows 10 Hyper-V Container genutzt werden, beispielsweise Docker. In den Windows 10 Enterprise Insider-Builds war die Funktionalität bereits als Opt-In enthalten und Nutzer der neuen Insider-Build können diese ab sofort selbst testen. Wollt ihr Hyper-V Container nutzen, könnt ihr diese über die Systemsteuerung unter Programme und Features und links bei Windows-Features aktivieren. Einigen Entwicklern dürfte dies die Arbeit erheblich erleichtern, denn sie können dadurch Virtualisierung auf Betriebssystemlevel und damit mehrere Anwendungen isoliert von einander ausführen.

Neue Icons

Neue Icons Windows 10 Build 14361

Windows Insider diskutieren sehr gerne über Icons und daher hat sich die neue Windows Insider-Chefin überlegt, dass sie auch das in den Blogpost mit der Ankündigung reinschreiben wird. Die neuen Icons dürften allerdings nicht sonderlich für große Aufmerksamkeit sorgen, denn Blu-Ray-Laufwerke haben nun ihr eigenes Icon und beim Netzwerk im Info-Center wird nun keine Erdkugel angezeigt, sondern ein besser geeignetes Icon.

Es sind noch zahlreiche Verbesserungen integriert worden, beispielsweise stürzt das Smartphone nicht mehr ab, wenn man direkt nach dem Starten des Narrator das Display berührt. Außerdem muss die DPI-Einstellung nun nach dem Update nicht erneut eingestellt werden, sondern gesichert und bei der Wiederherstellung der Daten wieder eingestellt. Auch einige Probleme bringt Build 14361 mit, beispielsweise gibt es die Build nicht für französische Windows-Installationen und unter Windows 10 Mobile sind noch einige Bugs dabei, die seit der letzten Build nicht gelöst werden könnten.

Der Vollständigkeit halber ist im Folgenden der gesamte Changelog in englischer Sprache angeführt.

Andere Verbesserungen für PC:

  • We fixed the issue causing keyboard navigation in Store apps like Netflix or Tweetium to not work in Build 14361.
  • We fixed the issue causing certain websites like YouTube to fail to render in Microsoft Edge or IE due to a recently implemented feature called TCP Fast Open.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in a strange grey bar frequently being seen on the left side of the Microsoft Edge browser window (for example, after invoking a context menu).
  • The window of active hours for when you are using your PC has been increased from 10 to 12 hours under Settings > Update & security > Windows Update and “Change active hours”.
  • We have updated the download notification in Microsoft Edge to include filename, download status, and site domain on separate lines.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the icons to disappear from the tabs in Microsoft Edge after the DPI change corresponding with remotely connecting to the PC via Remote Desktop.
  • We fixed an issue where DNG file thumbnails were not displaying in File Explorer.
  • We polished the appearance of Start by reducing the amount of whitespace at the top of Start, and adding logic so that the scrollbars will immediately hide once your mouse is no longer hovering over that area. We also fixed an issue resulting in clipping on the bottom or side of Start’s context menus.
  • We fixed an issue where pressing the Enter key would not submit the Wi-Fi password in the network flyout from the taskbar.
  • We decreased the size of icons used in notifications from 64×64 to 48×48 – maintaining the visibility, while improving the use of space in the Action Center.
  • We have improved the reliability of Cortana’s listening after tapping the mic button and fixed an issue that resulted in focus being lost to Cortana’s search box after a typed search has been deleted via backspace.
  • We have updated Windows Defender to not show recap notifications in normal mode if no scans have been run, or in scan-only mode if no threads have been found.
  • We fixed an issue that resulted in certain apps, such as Photos, not being able to set the desktop background.
  • Going forward from Build 14361, your Task Manager settings will now be preserved across build updates.
  • We fixed an issue where Start wouldn’t dismiss after launching Sticky Notes, leading to Sticky Notes appearing behind Start.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in not being able to set your account picture in Settings using the camera option.
  • We have added a keyboard shortcut for opening the taskbar’s clock and calendar flyout in Build 14361– this shortcut is WIN + Alt + D.
  • We fixed an issue where Command Prompt wasn’t maximizing correctly on high DPI monitors. We also fixed an issue where Command Prompt wouldn’t refresh the windows properly when doing an upwards Ctrl + F search with a long output of text.
  • We fixed an issue where the taskbar’s volume icon was showing incorrect states for 0% and muted.
  • We fixed an issue where applying a new save location on the Storage Settings page for any one file type would result in any other pending save location changes being lost.

Andere Verbesserungen für Mobile:

  • We fixed the issue that was causing your phone to freeze after touching the screen immediately after enabling Narrator.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in a strange grey bar frequently being seen on the left side of the Microsoft Edge browser window (for example, after invoking a context menu).
  • Going forward from Build 14361, your preferred DPI setting will be backed up and reapplied when restoring your phone.
  • We fixed an issue where “Find on Page” in Microsoft Edge wouldn’t always scroll the word into view. We also fixed an issue resulting in videos played on Facebook flickering if you started playing them after rotating the phone with the video in full screen mode.
  • We fixed an issue where text was being truncated instead of wrapped in the Windows Insider Program page in the Settings app.
  • We polished the notification dismissal model. Now if you receive and dismiss multiple interactive notifications in a row, the black transparent background will not start fading away between them. We fixed an issue that was making it more difficult to dismiss a notification with a hero image, an issue where peeking at a notification while watching Netflix would result in the video pausing, an issue where the keyboard could end up covering the quick reply text box, and an issue where certain notifications might just say “new notification” after a reboot. We also fixed an issue where Action Center would close unexpectedly quickly if a notification had been expanded when you start moving the Action Center’s border up. And we also fixed an issue where an incoming notification would stop Action Center from opening if you were in the process of swiping it down when a notification arrived.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in the “now charging” sound frequently playing twice when the charging cable has been plugged in.
  • We fixed an issue where the “Everytime” setting for how often to prompt for pin would be blank on the Sign-in Settings page after opening Settings from the Lock screen.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in not being able to infinitely cycle left or right through the Phone app’s tabs.
  • We fixed an issue where the Lumia 535 and 540 were not displaying a flash toggle in the Camera app.
  • We have updated the text prediction engine for multilingual users, so now the candidates you see when selecting a word will be based on the active keyboard language, rather than the language that was active at the time the word was written.
  • You can now use the keyboard with one hand with additional 5-inch devices such as the Lumia 640 and 830. To use this feature, press the space bar and slide the keyboard to the left or the right – whatever feels most comfortable for you! To return the keyboard to the center, press the space bar again, and slide it back to the middle. You can also slide the keyboard up, using the same method, so it’s closer to the top of the screen if you prefer a higher grip on your phone.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in not being able to infinitely cycle left or right through the Phone app’s tabs.

Bekannte Fehler für PC:

  • If you have a French Windows 10 Insider Preview build installed on your PC, you will not receive Build 14361. There is an issue with the French translation process in Build 14361 that would revert a lot of text that was used to be shown in French back to English. So we have chosen not to release this build to Insiders whose base build is French. If your base build is not French and you have a French Language Pack installed – you will still be able to install the new French language pack on top of this build, but this issue will also impact you.
  • Text prediction using the Japanese IME will freeze your PC. To avoid this issue and continue using the Japanese IME, we recommend turning off text prediction. You can do this by right-clicking IME mode icon “A” or “あ” in systray and selecting “Properties”, clicking “Advanced”, and navigate to the “Predictive Input” tab and check off “Use predictive input system”. You can turn on prediction feature again by checking it on.
  • Navigating to the Privacy pages in Settings app will crash the Settings app and prevent you from adjusting your privacy settings. Your privacy settings already set will remain intact after updating to this build. If this is a blocker for you, you can move to the Slow ring until this bug is fixed or be sure to set your privacy settings before updating to this build.
  • If you click on a file download link outside of Microsoft Edge, sometimes Edge will open a tab and close it without doing anything. The workaround is to go to the Download pane and start the download there by clicking “Save” or “Save As”.
  • For certain languages, such as Chinese or Portuguese (Brazil), you will not be able to launch Start while an app is installing.

Bekannte Fehler für Mobile:

  • You won’t be able to deploy an app via Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 to a phone running Build 14361. As a workaround – you can deploy the app by using the Windows 10 Application Deployment (WinAppDeployCmd.exe) command-line tool.
  • In some cases, the new cross-device Cortana features first highlighted in Build 14356 may not work. Restarting your phone should fix the issue and get the features working.
  • After installing Build 14361, you may notice your Quick Actions icons are not in the same order. This is a side effect of the fixes/changes we made to Action Center. To re-arrange your icons to your preferred order, just go to Settings > System > Notifications & actions > (Quick actions) and touch, hold, and then drag to re-arrange icons to whatever position you want. Remember: the four items in the top row are what will show as your immediately viewable Quick Actions.
  • We are continuing to investigate data issues with some Dual-SIM devices where cellular data doesn’t work correctly with a second SIM. Several issues relating to cellular data with Dual-SIM devices have been reported by Insiders with the last two Mobile builds and we’re investigating these reports.

Quelle: Microsoft

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"Entdeckung besteht darin, den gleichen Gegenstand wie alle anderen zu betrachten, sich aber etwas anderes dabei zu denken."
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